For those of you who haven't heard of it, Warrior Dash is a 3 1/2 mile marine-style obstacle course and race. You get a beer and a viking helmet for crossing the finish line. The only guarantee you have in this race is that you will be very dirty by the end. Cargo-net climbing, walking the plank, mud slide, climbing beneath barbed wire-you name it. I am so flipping excited I can't stand it.
But how to train for this? I don't exactly have any swamps or millitary training facilities handy, so I am just running my tush off--or trying to.
I did 3.5 ml today and it finally felt 'good' (as in no stopping, no cramping and minimal swearing). Last week in order to try to push myself a little more I attempted to insert my own local obtacles in my run, but I'm just not sure that it will suffice.
I am warrior-ing with Michela Palmer, my calm and beautiful, PhD-earning, soccer mom with doting husband, friend. (Thank God she is so sweet because being friends with her might almost be too much to bear, j/k Mic!)
We are both in dire need of a little more fun-crazy, versus crazy-busy in our lives and so...
Some warriors come in costume or warrior gear and we need to decide if we are going to do this.
I am drawing a blank, but I would love to hear any ideas from you. Funny T-shirt logos, color schemes or outfit suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Just remember, we are going to have to move--and slide, climb, run and try not to cough up a lung afterwards--in these getups.
Check out the May 12th post for all my post-race insight and tips you will definitely need if you plan on participating in this fantastically fun event!