The night before he was drinking beer with the other hands (he'll be so mad at me for calling them that, ha!) on the motel balconey--in yet another Bumble town--when he saw a shadow of a bird or bat on the wall. In his tipsy state it startled the hell out of him, enough to make him duck. Good thing too, because just then an owl swooped down barely missing him. This incident launched crazy owl and bird stories, cuz if you live in the country everyone has at least a few of those. The funniest, or really the most awful story, was from his buddy who was outside with his dogs, one of which was a chihuahua. WARNING: Stop reading now if this is going to be too much for you...
Cue music, "Ooooohhhh, I wish I was in the land of cotton. Old times they are not forgotten..."
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