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Monday, March 1, 2010

Getting Stuck in the Tracks of My Tears

I don't know whether it is coming through my posts or not, but I have been struggling lately and as it goes, I don't always know immediately what is at the root of it, since there are several obvious issues we plod through everyday (namely Kyle's insane workload).
Well, yoga has provide a quasi-consistent way for my inn(h)er to work it's way out(h)er and today somethings really hit home--so much so that I began to cry once I entered Sivasana at the end of class. When the damn breaks...
At the root of it is expectations and disappointment, and the sad part about this is that it is all self inflicted. I am disappointed in me. I feel like I should be working on my novel with more fervor, like I should be searching for new venues to publish my work, that I should be at least bringing in more money if the other two aren't being accomplished and if all three of those are going the way of most good intentions, then what the hell do I have to show for my time? (Certainly not a clean house or a zen-filled parenting approach.)
Why is it not enough to just be happy with me--as is--right now? Goals are good. I am a huge believer in their power to keep you moving onward and upward, but I am somehow getting stuck in their trap of not enough...writing, exercising, earning, cleaning, listening.
Is it guilt? Maybe. I do feel guilty that Kyle works so hard and that I now have space in my life thanks to full-day kindergarten.
I do feel guilty that others have it more difficult than we do and that I still get sad. I mean, really, what do I actually have to be sad about? I have a beautiful family. I am allowed to pursue my passion. We are healthy.
I have tried to structure my days and calendar more effectively to become more productive. (This is a favorite band-aid of mine I use to convince myself that if everything is orderly then the magical, yellow brick road leading to the land of Perfect will appear before my every step.) But, it is not in my personality to fold my underwear or keep the pencil drawer from turning into the junk drawer for more than 2 days.
Where is the peace? I pray and I know that there is a lesson to be learned, but I can't find it yet. Give it to God vs. Pull Yourself Up by Your Bootstraps?
I actually don't think there is anything wrong with a little melancholy now and again. If short lived it can make you uncomfortable enough to do things differently. I don't believe every second of every day is supposed to be sunshine and bunnies, but I don't have to like it when I'm in it.
I do wonder if other people do this? Without naming it DEPRESSION, do other people get sad?

1 comment:

  1. Yes we do....everyday sometimes less sometimes more, but yes.
