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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Southerners in the Snow

This is what happens when Texas gets snow for Christmas!
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Friday, January 22, 2010

I got inked!

Whoo-hoo! Two years in the making and I finally got the long awaited tattoo. Nikki, my sis, and I have the exact same one on opposite feet. Thus our sister tattoo has an N and a D embedded in the image. Bo from Local Heroes in Dallas did it. And when the other artist asked me if it hurt I just answered honestly and said, "Yeah, I'm kind of ready to slap him for doing that to me."
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Resolution Sabotage

Self sabotage is my middle name, and it's insanely pathetic that I know this.
Let me back up and tell you a little about my New Year's resolutions, because probably references to these will be made over the next 11 month seeing as I am a (supposed) former over-achiever and some habits die hard, like perpetual goal setting. Onward and upward as they say.
So here were/are my resolutions.
1. Typical female must of losing 10 lbs. How it got to be ten, I don't know. OK, yes I do. Buf wild wings+too many sanity necessary beers+late night munching+ more freelance jobs=lots of time sitting on my ass and 10 extra pounds. Anyways...
2. Build more community. As I've told you, charming, cowboy boot wearing husband is a workaholic. Think less than 1 day off per week, no real vacay in 10 years, 60+ hours per week(conservitively). He's in the oil field. It sucks. He hates his schedule, I hate his schedule and yet we keep on chuggin. Well, I do OK with this usually, but it definitely catches up with me and most recently, my reality check came in the form of an epiphany about my kids' sports. The boys are good athletes(come on, I'm allowed a little mama bragging!) and we are typically at a field of some sort 4 days per week. So welcome november and december and a lull between seasons and good-bye socialization and getting out of the house. I had to come to grips with the fact that I had a major case of the L-word. Lonely.
So I am making a major push to actually use all the numbers I have in my phone and re-claim some version of normal. I am prowling for friends.
3. Take yoga at least 3x's per week. I want to check out the mind, body, spirit thingy.
4.Finish my chic lit novel and take my writing to the next level. That means turning down the easy to get, paying jobs to try and land dream jobs.

So what am I doing about this? Eating a buffalo chicken sandwich (with bacon--did you know you could do that? yuh-ummh) on french bread, taking a break from writing one of the ten deadlines I accepted that I said I wouldn't, using my new tatto ;P as an excuse why I am unable to do any yoga at all this week and writing about it in my blog instead of calling one of my local girls to confess so they can give me a much needed kick in the pants(that I am not fitting into very well).
Oh well, back on the wagon tomorrow.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Age Her Thirty Four Years and Add Pickle Juice

So this blog is a little about me and alot about being a woman in her thirties, a mom to all boys and the wife of a charming, workaholic redneck(love you honey!). Have you ever had one of those moments where you wonder, "What the hell happened to my fabulous?!" I do all the time. The college girls are looking younger, the cocktails are tasting more of survival and sanity than adventure and booty-shaking, and the tell-tale signs of actually, really being in my thirties--brow lines, grey hairs, the inability to accessorize with ease and the extremely upsetting and sudden appearance of back fat--remind me that I really have been around for three and 1/2 decades. But what I want to know is HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?! I don't feel that old and I just never really thought it would happen to me.
I am not complaining. I actually don't hate my life, but wha...?
So my sister called today and it has been a 'live thru this' kind of week for her. Her almost three year old son has been kicking some toddler ass and taking names in the form of throwing, hitting, beating his one year old brother and getting kicked out of the gym nursery. This was after he ran away twice at a kidnapper-friendly birthday party involving mazes and chaos. Man, I do not miss those days. They were hard. For all you girls out there with babies and toddlers. IT REALLY IS HARD, IT'S NOT JUST YOU!!! (And for those who have a strong-willed child, the ante is way up while our self confidence is way down.)I have vivid recollections of a twin slamming his head on the hard and filthy floor of the grocery store in full tantrum. Another of a different twin running out the door, escaping, and straight into oncoming, off-to-school-and-work-traffic while I had to chase after him (with the other twin on my hip) in a night gown that I hadn't realized was short until that exact moment. Don't get me started on the year we made NINE emergency room visits. It's the old saying about why God made them so stinkin' cute at that age...he had to so we don't kill them. Especially boys, they just have that natural ability to do the unthinkable at any given moment.
So when my boys got home today from school--Aussie and BB are six and Cole is eight--I gave them huge hugs remembering how thankful I am for their not being 2 anymore. Five minutes later, Cole threw pickle juice at Aussie, Aussie smeared frozen blueberries on Cole's new shirt and BB kicked Austin because he felt left out. Time marches--and kicks and fights--on.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Launch

So I've done it. Ever since figuring out that I love to write AND I love giving people unsolicited advice--you're welcome Nikki!--I have wanted to be Dear Dacia and here we are.
It's a little of an anti-climax. Four in the afternoon, five boys "ugh, boom, slam, OOOOOWWWW" playing wii in the other room and my dog Alley as my only audience...and she just left the room.
But I'll take the small victory in the name of blazing my own trail, because I am insanely cranky today since it is January 5th. That inevitably means that I am on some insane new menu which includes alot of vegetable, no chocolate and little to no alcohol. (Eat Clean this year if you must know.) It is so hard!
So since I am not feeling particularly clever, I will end this early and start anew tomorrow.
Adieu! (Is that how you spell that?)