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Tuesday, August 3, 2010


A flash back from 5 months ago in the early days of my worst work experience ever:
Attitude-smattitude. It seems to be a topic of constant debate in my head these days because I am embroiled in cold calling and training--both of which can be serious energy drains. Back and forth I go (not unlike the constant u-turns I make learning a new territory--in a stick shift, don't even get me started). Gung-ho one call, and down in the dumps the next depending on the degree of reception I received. Was she warm and friendly until realizing I was a salesperson? Or was he indifferent and on edge until I happened to small talk about something that interested him?
So I say to myself, "Self, You cannot be swayed but such flimsy impulses as those coming from a bored receptionist. Chin up, shoulders back. Learn to serve others through your job." A very philosophical--yeah even religious--to be of service to everyone, no matter the endeavor--even cold calling. Until I end up wanting to service the back side of someone's head.
Then I will think, Why not take the opportunity to become really, really good at this. Nobody hates doing things they are good at. That idea holds up for a while, until I think about hookers. I bet they hate doing things they are good at.
But I will not stop. I run through more pick-me ups. What else would you be doing on a Tuesday morning? (No shock why that one didn't work.) Whistle while you work. The more you complete today, the less you have to do in the future. (This idea actually does hold water pretty well actually.)
I change activities and make phone calls for a while to give my clutch foot a break. I bargain with myself that if I call on just two more, I will not feel guilt over the M&Ms I am going to reward myself with. (I guess it would be redundant to write about why I have gained five pounds since starting work.)

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