oN tHe HiGh SiDe first, so I can soon swoop down in this week's emotional pendulum, Kyle put this Freightliner truck up for auction this morning and is planning a celebratory camping trip with the boys. Next week will be his last week of work and I bought a "Life is Good" shirt to give him on Friday.
Here is a pic of one my sunshine rays entitled (for the last time), "An Oil Man's Son". (Yes, my La-La's that is Daddy's oilfield hardhat.)
So I am finishing up my deadlines as the "countdown till corporate" crosses t - 10. I just capped off an artisan's column about a local jewelry maker, thinking that it was my last except for the guilt-laden plea of my favorite editor to take 'just one more'. (Guilt laden because I love her too much to leave in the lurch and because I majorly screwed up an article by turning in the rough draft and not the final and it got published--I felt so bad I cried. If you haven't noticed I expect perfection out of no one but me.) Ugh--not how I wanted to spend my last week. To think I was going to get away scott-free, yeah right.
And of course, I have work to do on the design book, but that doesn't count, right?
It was funny, because one of my friends--a little dyanamo--called with 2 amazing story ideas. They are definitely news-worthy, but I am having a hard time passing them up, because--well, it kills me that someone else is going to write them.
So while I can beat myself up that I didn't turn writing into a financially successful venture, it still hurts that I won't be doing it for a while.
Yes, yes, this may open up an opportunity for "writing for fun" and "finishing the novel", but today I am PMSing people and I just don't feel like Peppy Bo Peep. Got It?!
And so in appropriately melodramatic, Aunt Flow style, I say to my writing career, "When will I see you again?" ("Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo...ahhaah, aaahhaaa" from my background singers for any of you familiar with the 70's group The Three Degrees...And fade out.)
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