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Monday, January 10, 2011

Welcome Back, Optimism!

So after 6 months at IKON that created many ups at home, but stole my Mojo, I just began my new role as Account Executive for an advertising agency called The Fowler Group. I am beyond ecstatic. I am finally in an industry that I am thrilled to be a part of. TFG seems like such a good fit after just a week, I am terribly scared that someone will pinch me and I will wake up.
After feeling like a failure at IKON, which I now know was just part of their brilliant corporate culture, I still have a bit of a confidence hang-over, but I believe I can overcome it. I WANT to be successful here for me and for them. I am excited at what I will learn, I am excited at what I might be able to accomplish for them, I am excited to be in a creative environment that believes in teamwork. I have already started making cold calls and I am reading a lot and staying enthused. I am just jumping in, trying to get my words and trying to take with me at least one lesson of IKON--go ahead and fail, but learn from it.
One thing I have got to learn to get over is being so regimented or institutionalized when I approach prospecting. Anytime friends or writing clients needed ideas, they were coming out my ears, but when I look at prospects I seem to divorce my creativity and approach it like an intimidating hurdle instead of an opportunity to share excitement and ideas. Tonight Kyle was just throwing out a ton of companies and creative ways to help them and it really got me going. I just have to figure my way to blend cold introductions to clients with the excitement I feel for actually helping them and getting a project underway. I'll get there.
I am ready to step out of my potential and into a successful reality.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas Card 2010- Oh Silent Night

The photo with the surprised eyes made the cut as the official Coffey Christmas Card of 2010, but sometimes the images leading up to it are just as fun...
"Hey Mom, look at us. Keep clicking!"

After 13 more shots and poses, "Seriously Mama, we are getting tired of this..."

"Only one more and we mean it!"