After feeling like a failure at IKON, which I now know was just part of their brilliant corporate culture, I still have a bit of a confidence hang-over, but I believe I can overcome it. I WANT to be successful here for me and for them. I am excited at what I will learn, I am excited at what I might be able to accomplish for them, I am excited to be in a creative environment that believes in teamwork. I have already started making cold calls and I am reading a lot and staying enthused. I am just jumping in, trying to get my words and trying to take with me at least one lesson of IKON--go ahead and fail, but learn from it.
One thing I have got to learn to get over is being so regimented or institutionalized when I approach prospecting. Anytime friends or writing clients needed ideas, they were coming out my ears, but when I look at prospects I seem to divorce my creativity and approach it like an intimidating hurdle instead of an opportunity to share excitement and ideas. Tonight Kyle was just throwing out a ton of companies and creative ways to help them and it really got me going. I just have to figure my way to blend cold introductions to clients with the excitement I feel for actually helping them and getting a project underway. I'll get there.
I am ready to step out of my potential and into a successful reality.